Diamond Color

The color scale is determined by the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) from the letter D to Z, indicating the degree of colorlessness in the stone.
The letter D signifies a completely colorless diamond (transparent) – exceptionally rare and valuable.
As we move down the scale, we encounter diamonds with stronger color tones such as yellow, gray, or brown.

D-F – Colorless
G-J – Near colorless
K-M – Faint color
N-R – Very light color
S-Z – Light color

Diamonds beyond the Z range are called "Fancy Color Diamonds," referring to stones with strong color presence such as red, blue, green, pink, etc.
These diamonds are considered rarer and more valuable.

So, what should we choose?
If setting the diamond in white gold, it is advisable to choose a colorless diamond to avoid it appearing "yellowish" compared to the white metal.

If setting in yellow or rose gold, the options are more varied. For example, if purchasing a larger diamond and compromising on color, a diamond in the J-K range with a slightly yellowish tint can look wonderful in the setting.

Of course, budget is also a consideration since colorless diamonds are rarer and consequently more expensive in the market.



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